Monday, February 13, 2012

Death in Spring 

I balanced all brought all to mind
The years to come seemed a waste of breath
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death
                (Irish poet, W B Yeats)

As I tend to my garden springing forth new life,
A small voice quiveringly talks to me about spring
And a loud voice ever shrieks to me about death.

I try to nurture that small voice through the pain & strife
I remain my own watchdog ever watchful by stealth

Fielding myself from huge volleys of shocks and cushioning my falls with a zing,
With but some enthusiasm to inflate I ride upon life’s bumpy roads - like a fling.

Just some days back, dark and sinister death came softly to my bounds
And even as I felt my loss, my tears just seemed to hang around.

Numb, everywhere I turned I saw flowers abloom, I felt my dear one was talking to me
My loss I thought was all spread around in flowers for me to see… L

One of my dear bubbles had burst spreading colors everywhere & in the air a self sweet scent
Over all pathways were flowers galore, almost everywhere that I went.

As I spoke in my mind to my lost one and sang lullabies – myself to console
The spring air just kept tossing the day over and the moon kept riding up tall

Whenever I look at the moon, the stars twinkle in my tear- rimmed eyes
I clutch at the air, then let it assail and wonder what all will thus pass me by.

I wrench at the air and agonize till pain gives way to a mere dull ache
If this is a dream and I am asleep, I sure want to be up and awake.

“No man is an island entire of itself; every man

is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;

…………….; any man's death diminishes me,

because I am involved in mankind.

And therefore never send to know for whom

the bell tolls; it “tolls for thee. “

I am ever singing in my heart yet no one can ever hear my songs….,
I never sing loud enough for anyone to hear,
My sadness knows no bounds
And I do so want to turn around….
To smile the old smiles, to walk the old miles,
To see the old sights, to hear the old sounds,
For all the familiar stirrings, I do so want to turn around.
To make a new end

Or better still, to begin again.